I don't really understand why this mixtape never got officially released. Most people seem to think it was because Roll Deep's label Relentless didn't want it to detract from the crew's proper debut album "In At The Deep End". But then again, that record came out last year and - at least according to various sources on the net - Creeper 1 was already recorded in 2003??? I'm confused.
Anyway, a couple of months ago renowned grime dj Logan Sama got the thumbs up from Roll Deep's Wiley to make the first two Creeper-mixtapes available for download on his MySpace-site. Seems that the download-links have been taken down, so I thought I'd share them.
Each of the two Creeper-volumes is a lot better than the disappointing and compromised "In At The Deep End". There are no weird attempts at pop-rap (which they're obviously not good at) and accessability for a wider demographic. Instead, these mixtapes feature uncompromised in-yer-face grime tracks (and a few hiphop tunes) with lots of freestyling that have the same kind of raw energy as Roll Deep's best live radio shows.
Hey did you listen to the chopped & screwed bootleg of deep end album this shit is sick! check mix-tapes.de for that shit!
Didn't know there's a chopped & screwed version. Thanks, gotta check it out and give it a listen!
any way I can get hold of these volumes again? can't find them anywhere anymore...
Hi, meow! I'll dig out those mp3's again and re-up them. Not sure I'll be able to do it before the end of next week though.
you're a legend if you do. drop me a line at jackscharf@hotmail.com if its possible!
To begin, you will be in the middle of the room with all the other dancers.
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