Here's a slice of trippy dub psychedelia with sharply accentuated, heavily treated drum sounds, incredibly deep bass lines and keyboards, guitars, sound effects and the occasional vocals hazily sliding in and out of the mix. Released in 1983, this second album by avant dub collective Dub Syndicate still stands as a prime example of early On U-Sound productions and a testament to the genius of both producer Adrian Sherwood and Dub Syndicate's head honcho Style Scott, also drummer for Jamaica's finest session band Roots Radics. And it's also the perfect soundtrack for the glaring sunlight and the dizzying heat weighing down on Vienna at the moment.
Always a pleasure seeing/reading you around these parts ;) Those Macro Dub collections really are great. Cross-blog posting (or whatever you wanna call it) - I quite like that thought. I'll see if I can return the compliment in the next couple of weeks...
Thoughtful blog you have here
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